10 Impossible Video Game Achievements That Totally Broke You

2. “7 Day Survivor” - Dead Rising

Gears of war 3

No list is complete without at least two mentions of zombie survival horror games. Dead Rising may not be as action-packed as Left 4 Dead, but man, is it fun. And tough, too.

So, how will Average Joe journalist and zombie-killer Frank West cope in the unlockable Infinity Mode, especially when the game requires you to wait for seven in-game days?

With great difficulty, it seems. Everyone wants you dead in this one, including allies and survivors. No cutscenes, no story, it’s every human for themselves. Oh, and the zombies are still there.

To make matters worse, your health is ticking away. A bar of your health will drop per 20 minutes, so scavenge those snacks.

So, how many hours does seven days equate to in real life? Over twenty hours. Saving will not be an option here; it must be done in a single sitting.

We all know Frank’s covered wars, y’know, but camping around with every slot in your inventory filled with health items, waiting to use them at just the right time, doesn’t sounds like a particularly fun time.


Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.