10 Optional Video Game Boss Fights You Totally Missed

4. Katana Zero - The Psychiatrist

sekiro lady butterfly
Devolver Digital

I'm no expert, but I'm fairly certain that psychiatrists are meant to be in positions of aid or relief, or to at least help you with therapy. Fairly sure they're not meant to lose their sh*t, shoot themselves up with a drug that gives them psychic powers and get vengeance on their patients.

Well, you'd hope not, given how much they charge.

Yet the man tasked with dosing up Zero, as well as handling his missions and dossiers, can only take so much. If you're playing as the good Zero, this will pass you by.

However, if you constantly cut off, interrupt and wind the psychiatrist up enough, he will lose it big time. Suffering Zero no longer, he loads himself up with another kind of drug and becomes a formidable, floating foe. One with crazy psychic powers and grabby arms.

...and that's only the first stage.

Stage two has him going full Tetsuo, transforming into a screen-filling blob that, amongst other things, fires syringes at you. It's a tense battle, as Katana Zero is a one-hit death kinda game.

Annoy him at your own peril...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.