10 Reasons Doom Is Already The Best Shooter Of 2016

6. The Level Design Is Crazy

doom level.gif

While the maps themselves in Doom are quite straightforward, the simplicity of the game's level design actually makes the title extremely accessible to anyone who wants to jump in, regardless of skill. Even after only a few matches in the beta, you feel as though you've got the hang of where to go in the map, and you never spend too long away from the heart of the action.

But that simplicity doesn't mean that there isn't any depth to the online arenas. Every single level has a slew of shortcuts and pick-ups ready to be found, and the addition of teleporters and boosters means that the more advanced players will be able to use the flow of the map itself to turn themselves into even better killing machines.

And regardless of all that, the level design itself is just gorgeous. The maps set in hell especially, with their blood-drenched caverns and fiery rooms, make for the perfect backdrop to the brutal PvP destruction unleashed in each match.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3