10 Reasons Doom Is Already The Best Shooter Of 2016

4. The Weapons Actually Feel Different

doom weapons

Forget your AKs and M4s, the starting weapons in Doom's online multiplayer are a freakin' rocket launcher and a plasma rifle. Although there isn't a wealth of different weapons currently in the game (at least not in the beta), no two-guns feel the same, and each one has their own strengths and weaknesses that makes trying them all a worthwhile endeavour.

It's not just about boring balance and choice though, because the weapons themselves are just cool; way more satisfying and visually appealing than your average machine gun.

Hell, there's a whopping great lightning gun that absolutely obliterates enemies at close range, and that's one of the first tools of destruction you ever get your hands on.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3