10 Reasons Zelda: Skyward Sword Is WAY Better Than You Remember

5. The Best Hub World

Zelda skyward sword

What sets Skyloft apart from every other main area of every other Zelda game is one factor: Character. Not just the people living within it, but the feel of the hub world itself.

Now for games like Breath Of The Wild, the isolated feel of Hyrule was the whole point, so it gets a pass that Twilight Princess and Wind Waker just don't get. Sure there are areas of concentrated character and charm, but the world you have to travel to get to those areas just doesn't have anything going on. Skyloft meanwhile is the most interesting hub area in the series since Clock Town from Majora's Mask.

Before you're even close to being half done with the game, Skyloft's memorable design, good use of landmarks, and small, easy-to-traverse size will make you intimately aware of it and everyone in it. You know where everyone lives, what they eat, where they eat it, how they grow their food and where they get their water. And the game directly tells you NONE of this, you figure all of this out just by naturally walking around the place on your own.

Skyloft is one of the best designed worlds in Nintendo's entire library.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?