10 Reasons Zelda: Skyward Sword Is WAY Better Than You Remember

6. The Best Supporting Cast

Zelda skyward sword

While games like Breath Of The Wild and Wind Waker have perfectly fine supporting characters, they rarely go through many story arcs in their own way (and don't you DARE imply that Tetra is a supporting character in Wind Waker) and you don't see that much of them outside of when you need something from them. Probably why many Zelda games make their major supporting characters shop owners. They can't think of anything else to do with them.

And then there's the citizens of Skyloft. We'll get into Skyloft itself in just a bit, but the people inhabiting it give the game so much more character than it would have had otherwise. Every citizen in the town has a name, a job, relationships with other characters, and their own little mini-arcs that they go through and even rewarding side quests. From Link's classmates - charismatic and loyal Pipit, intelligent and empathetic Karale, and wimpy but passionate Fledge - to his teachers at the Knights Academy, to the staff of the Pumpkin landing.

And of course, the most important one of them all, Groose. Starting off as Link's foil and bully, once the two get trapped on the world below, Groose has his life redefined, grows up, and blossoms as Link's most stalwart ally in his quest.

This is by far the most eclectic and interesting supporting cast in a Zelda game thus far, making the world the game creates feel all the more alive.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?