10 Simple Tweaks That Make Your Favourite Video Games Even Better

6. Remove The Enemies - SOMA

SOMA game
Frictional Games

SOMA has one of the best video game stories of the generation so far... it's just a bit of a shame about the gameplay. When crafting the title, it seems as though developers Frictional Games struggled to balance the almost walking simulator-esque narrative with the kind of horror gameplay that made their last project, Amnesia, such a surprise smash hit.

Sneaking your way around enemies and engaging in chase sequences wasn't terrible by any means, but getting stuck in a gameplay segment could suck out all of the tension from the story and ruin the pacing. SOMA excels in its storytelling, but by including these segments it occasionally felt like the devs didn't have enough faith to lean entirely on that element, so threw in some stealth action for good measure.

Fortunately, this was later acknowledged, and Frictional patched in the option to turn off the enemies altogether, so players can just enjoy the story at their own leisure.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3