10 Video Game Characters We Can't Believe Got Cut

4. Doctor Octopus - Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

mortal kombat 11 ash
Insomniac Games

Doc Ock has starred in many a video game over the years, but becoming a playable character in the hyper-kinetic Marvel vs Capcom series was a step too far.

Unlike Turok in WWF Warzone, and the character models for Connery et al in Goldeneye 007, there isn't enough left of Doc Ock in the game's code to reconstruct him through technical wizardry (hence why the above image shows him in Insomniac's excellent Spider-Man game instead). Which is a surprise, considering how far along in development the character was.

MvC 3 Producer Ryota Niitsuma took to Twitter a few years ago to discuss the characters who didn't make the final roster and he revealed that, of all the rejects, it was Doc Ock who came closest to the finished product before being axed. Niittsuma said that they had Otto's character art and theme song ready and raring to go, but had to cut the good doctor due to technical difficulties.

Given that Niitsuma also revealed the six-armed assassin Spiral was cut due to being an absolute nightmare to animate, we can only assume Otto's signature tentacles proved a similar hassle for the game's animators.

As such, Doc Ock exists in MvC 3 only as a name in an internal database, along with other cast-offs like Blade (too similar to Devil May Cry's Dante) and Spider-Woman (too similar to Devil May Cry's Trish).

(We guess someone on the development team was a big Devil May Cry fan).


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.