10 Video Game Cover Mistakes You Won't Believe
6. Superman 64 - This Small Typo Is Maybe The Best Thing About This Game
Here's one that honestly can't come as a surprise. Superman 64 is one of the most infamously bad games ever made. Graphics that look like a 3D Atari game. Controls that made Superman look like an uncoordinated toddler. A mostly empty open world version of Metropolis. And this typo on the box that reads, "The New Superman Aventures."
Frankly, the bigger surprise is that this is the only mistake on the Superman 64 box. A picture of a stick figure in a cape and not a single word spelled correctly would be truer advertising for the train wreck held inside.
All of these cover mistakes are at least a little bit funny. So, in Superman 64's defense, it does feature this slightly amusing error.
Hey, we just wrung a solid 0.5 score out of Superman 64! It pays to stay positive.