10 Video Game Cover Mistakes You Won't Believe
5. 007: Goldeneye - You Can't Unsee It
It's not hard to see how this one made it through the multiple levels of QA involved in any visual marketing production. It's not immediately clear. Most people might not even notice it. But once you see it, it's all you'll ever see looking at this iconic video game box art.
Still not sure what we're talking about? Take a good, long look at Mr. Brosnan. Do you notice anything odd about the placement of his face in relation to his hand?
Now you see it. Ol' Joker-mouth bulge-face. He looks like a squirrel with a cheek full of acorns. He looks like a fish with a hook caught in its mouth. He looks like Heath Ledger's Joker cleaned himself up for a job interview.
What we're trying to say is: He looks very silly.