10 Video Games That Are Totally Different By The End

3. Altered Beast

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

Sega's famous (or infamous?) 1988 arcade beat 'em up Altered Beast kicks off in Ancient Greece as the player is charged with a quest by Zeus himself to rescue Athena from Neff, the ruler of the Underworld.

The game's entire gimmick involves the player's ability to transform into powerful beasts such as wolves and bears, and while hardly a great game, it is remembered with a certain perverse fondness but a lot of gamers.

Yet how many among us ever bothered to reach the end, only to realise that the entire thing was way more of a farce than we ever believed?

After Athena is saved and the day is won, the ending shows off a series of triumphant storyboards which, after a while, start to dissolve the fourth wall entirely.

Eventually, we see that Athena was simply wearing a blonde wig, the fabled transformations were nothing more than costumes, and the "monsters" mere props hanging on wires. With a movie clapperboard visible in the frame, it turns out we've been playing a role in a damn film the entire time.

The next shot goes even one further, by showing the cast and crew toasting beers to seemingly commemorate wrapping the shoot. Who ever saw this coming?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.