10 Video Games That Are Totally Different By The End

4. Inside

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

Playdead's Inside is an incredibly moody, seemingly minimalist puzzle-platformer in which players control a young boy attempting to escape to safety in a terrifying, oppressive dystopian world.

But not a single solitary soul could've anticipated where Inside would end up in its final stretch, as the boy encounters "The Huddle" - a fleshy blob-like creature with countless seemingly human limbs sticking out.

The boy is eventually pulled into the Huddle, at which point the player takes control of it, staging a violent rampage through the containment facility until they're able to make a clumsy escape, tumble down a mountain, and stop at a sunny coastline. The End.

While it's conceivable that the boy may have somehow graduated onto sunnier pastures, did anyone have a sudden divergence into body horror on their bingo card? And yet, as shocking and as "extra" as it is, it doesn't feel jarringly out of place with the mood or style of the game at all.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.