10 Video Games That Fans And Critics Will Never Agree On

4. Gone Home

Mass effect 3 metacritic
The Fullbright Company

Metacritic Score: 86

User Score: 5.4

Why The Difference?

Gaming can be an expensive hobby if you're not judicial with your purchases. It’s why so many gamers rely on reviews to some degree in order to make sure the game they intend to buy isn’t a complete bust. Sometimes, the fact that many game reviewers receive games for free means that this particular purchasing element doesn't always get factored in.

At least, that was the accusation critics suffered in the wake of Gone Home. This minimalistic adventure game was praised for its brilliant social commentary and clever design, but none of those elements translated to a game that really offered much to do. Many gamers were upset that a highly touted game could be beaten after just a couple of hours where 'gameplay' amounted to picking up items and... putting them back down.

Though games of this type remain a point of dissension between gamers and critics, no title has caught the same amount of flack as Gone Home since.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.