10 Video Games That Reward You For Killing NPCs

1. Sifu - Anyone's Fair Game On The Path To Revenge

sifu game

Sifu, Sloclap's latest martial art adventure, may not have the most original story, but that doesn't matter. It makes up for it by having some of the slickest combat this side of Sleeping Dogs.

As with most games, Sifu offers an experience and upgrade system. How do you get more experience? With combos, of course. But what happens when there's no foes to keep the blows adding up?

Well, some NPCs who get your the way can add to that tally. Focus on multiplier over moral objection, because you'll want those points.

The other bonus is, like earlier examples, NPC's can be used to replenish life too. Running a bit low? Bam, axe kick to the unsuspecting head.

Take the first level, for example: hapless NPC, sat in a bathroom stall. Time it right and not be seen, and players can pull off the triangle/circle attack for a free health restore.

As you progress, upgrading the hero's special attacks make it easier to take out enemies/NPCs. By the latter stages, you'll be an unstoppable kung fu fighting machine.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.