10 Video Games That Reward You For Killing NPCs

2. Fable - House Market Killings

sifu game
Lionhead Studios

The housing market is tough, we all know that. But spare a thought for those that live in Albion: at least no one's going to murder you for your two up, two down.

Imagine the scenario: the hero has the gold and the renown. Known far and wide across the lands in Fable, a knight in shining armour. The world is their oyster, no monster too big, etc.

Except... that doesn't really cover mortgages and property rights. The player may be able to open Demon Doors with ease, but not to the villa they want.

So, there's only one option left: take them out.

And not in the "friendly meal between buyer and seller" sense, but something more sinister. Whacking a home owner puts said house back on the market.

Of course, you still have to buy the house. Bumping the previous owner off doesn't give you it for free. You still have to put those blood-stained hands in pockets to pay for it.

It will net the player some evil points, naturally. But it's all worth it to be in the comfort of someone else's home.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.