14 Upcoming PS4, Xbox One & Nintendo Switch Games - Ranked By Anticipation

9. Marvel's Spider-Man

Spider-Man PS4 Truck

Call it the quick-time events, call it the fact gameplay looks to just be an up-rez of the early 2000s Spider-Man games with Arkham combat layered overtop, but something just feels a little off about Insomniac's Spidey.

Yes, graphics are gorgeous and we're seeing a perfectly aged Peter Parker more in line with the classic Animated Series doing the rounds, but as yet... we've no real idea what the story is or why we should care, outside of, "You can do everything you could back in 2004, with better environments!"

Maybe I'm being too harsh (I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments), but besides pretty slick animation and a neat twist on the classic 616 Spidey suit, I'm struggling to find anything worth pointing out other than, "It's another Spider-Man game."

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