20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

4. Kratos

Video Game Characters

"I am your monster no longer."

Whether you’re choosing his original incarnation or the more recent bearded Kratos, you still have a character synonymous with the PlayStation brand.

In his earlier years, Kratos was a great character because of how badass he was. He was an absolute killing machine and it made him extremely fun to play as, especially when you consider his surprisingly tragic backstory.

Nowadays, Kratos is arguably even more iconic because of how he managed to change from a man purely focused on killing into a father and reformed man. Both Kratos and the newest God of War showed that soft rebooting a game isn't a bad thing, and that developing a character is a good thing.

Considering how highly regarded both Kratos and his games are, it's not a stretch to say that the industry wouldn't quite be the same without him.

Combine all of this history with his iconic ash-covered skin and the powers of a god and it’s no wonder everyone remembers his name.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.