20 Best Video Game Heroes Of The 21st Century - Ranked

3. Niko Bellic

Video Game Characters

"Maybe here, things will be different."

Although you could argue that Trevor made a pretty big impact on the gaming community in GTA V, Niko Bellic is easily the greater hero. The only Rockstar character to ever rival Niko would be John Marston, and Niko just manages to edge him out.

Grand Theft Auto V may be one of the best selling games of all time, but none of the main characters in the story ever really made much of a lasting impact. Trevor is the closest to doing that, and that’s more because of how crazy he is than anything else.

Niko and Grand Theft Auto IV both became so highly regarded for how realistic they were, and that’s exactly what makes Niko so endearing. Everything that Niko does he does for his family and friends, and that's about as human as it gets.

Let’s put it this way- people were more interested in finding out if Niko was alive in GTA V than they were in seeing what happened to the main characters. That really says a lot.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.