You can supplant this entry for whichever your personal 'Raider of choice would be, as TR III's more expansive levels, Last Revelation's stunning climax or the more recent Uncharted-like entries are all fantastic releases that made their mark on their respective years. However, if we're talking which games you simply have to see for yourself as part of a PlayStation catalogue, it's the original that'll open your eyes widest. Everything from realising we used to think this clumped up mess of pixels was sexy as hell, to the 3D platforming that required you stand in just the right place otherwise you'd have to repeat huge chunks of levels again - it's a wonder it took off at all. That said, precisely because of the tank control-esque feel to manoeuvring Lara through all sorts of vertically-expansive environments, it actually ended up giving the death-defying feel of climbing a great sense of identity.