9 Reasons Why Some Gamers Are Incredibly Obnoxious

6: That€™s Too Kiddy

Slycooper 600x300 Without doubt gaming has definitely followed in more adult oriented footsteps but there€™s nothing more depressing than seeing some teenager desperate to look like a badass by bashing Mario or Sly Cooper or more family friendly games. You don€™t see anyone too tough to watch Pixar movies. Unfortunately, the gaming industry isn€™t quite at that maturity level yet, resulting in anything without guns and gore collecting dust on shelves. Please, for the love of God people, quit the macho act because nobody other than your closed minded self actually gives a s***. By ignoring everything under the sun but formulaic shooters you are over-saturating the market, which subsequently hurts creativity. Try new things regardless of how they look because you will never know if the actual game is entertaining until you give it a shot.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.