Black Ops 2: 10 Reasons CoD is No Longer the King of Online Multiplayer

7. Rockstar

I€™d say that chief among Activision€™s rivals for staving off the game churn is Rockstar, and with much justification. The €˜innovation€™ I mentioned earlier might technically have already happened, beginning when Rockstar took those RPG elements and made them MMORPG elements. They did this by, quite simply, keeping the €˜XP€™ element adding an open world in titles like GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption. If anyone is stealing customers from the CoD franchise on a regular basis, it€™s Rockstar. And with their next entry into their flagship GTA franchise coming soon(ish€ maybe), they looked poised to commit the theft all over again. Of course, you€™ve got your die-hard CoD fans who€™ll stay. But how many of you will be putting down Black Ops II to dive into GTA V when it finally drops? I bet it€™s a decent percentage.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.