Call Of Duty: 15 Iconic Moments That Confirm Its Genius

7. Black Ops €“ Brain-Washing

The Black Ops narrative is absolutely mind-blowing when you finally get to put all the pieces together. And what a narrative! From an attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, escaping a prison camp, taking part in the Bay Of Pigs invasion and assaulting an underwater broadcasting station. All these things separately wouldn't make a single bit of sense but with the additional element of brain-washing it all comes together. This might start to feel a little bit too much like The Manchurian Candidate but BLOPS places itself much closer to Bioshock in this regard €“ it is a videogame, after all. This is mainly due to our protagonist not being aware of his conditioning and as a result isn't aware of the significance of his exploits until around act three, at which point some form of retribution is enacted against the main villain. The best thing about the story is it's originality. In a world constantly filled with remakes and clones it's nice to see that some people are taking a risk in doing something almost inconceivable. Treyarch really does have a knack for fashioning remarkable video-games.

I’ve been a film fan for as long as I can remember, with one of my earliest memories watching my dad’s copy of Star Wars one rainy afternoon in the mid-nineties. Then the 21st century happened, and my interests developed from there – mainly including comics and video-games, and recently an introduction into WWE. It’s a good time for popular culture. Follow me on Twitter: @TW0_ST3P or on Facebook: