6. More Varied Enemies That Force You To Adapt
A worthwhile talking point that stemmed from HR was the overarching sentiment that aside from some boss characters, you were forever wailing on male enemies - and even they were fairly identikit - with the bosses being the only time you'd have to vary up your playing style to accommodate. Obviously Eidos have bitten off quite a chunk of potential they might struggle to chew in factoring in so many different play-styles from the outset, but a variety of enemies that only appear in each players' worlds depending on their speccing options would be the best way to force us into using every move available within a specific set. Playing as a stealth character? Have some enemies cloaked in the environment, only able to be picked out if you really focussed on them, MGS 3's The End-style. For firearm-lovers suit up a 'heavy' in the next room that forces you to decide exactly how to clear a place out, and so on.