Final Fantasy: 15 Most Brutal Boss Battles
9. Long Gui (FFXIII)
Just as in Final Fantasies X and XII, the reward for a protracted, often mind-numbingly tedious monster hunt side-quest in the 13th instalment is yet another vicious beast to quell. And a palette swap, no less. Quel prix!
After completing the final batch of Cie'th stone missions, the already formidable Adamantoise enemy is entirely displaced by its badder and bigger brother, the dreaded Long Gui. They may look similar - even identical - but with three times as much HP (a staggering 16 million), and an immunity to Vanille's Death spell, the Long Gui is an entirely different prospect. To make matters worse, even if the player manages to withstand its assault for twenty minutes, the aggressive amniote will cast Doom spelling... well... doom.
It's all worth it, though! Managing to topple the terrifying tortuga earns the player an achievement, a worthless trinket with absolutely no impact on the game whatsoever. Hard work pays off!
Cactaur Needles O' Pain: 200