Mass Effect Andromeda: 9 Gameplay Overhauls You Need To Know About
6. No More Paragon/Renegade Interrupts

Some of the most notable changes in ME:A come down to making character interactions feel more natural, instinctual and ultimately memorable, with one of the biggest being the complete removal of the binary 'paragon/renegade' system during conversations.
Instead of knowing if your actions will be fundamentally 'good or bad' ahead of time when triggering them, we now have more options labelled 'head', 'casual', 'heart' and 'professional'.
Assumedly, 'head' and 'professional' will lean more into logic or Alliance-based decisions respectively - like doing what's best for the individuals in a given room vs. that of the Andromeda Initiative, and 'casual'/'heart' will be more carefree or in-line with personal desires.
By differentiating these thinking processes and making them subtle yet different enough to apply to a variety of encounters and playstyles, it should make any interaction in Andromeda feel demonstrably different to that of the original trilogy.