Every sequel in the early noughties was seemingly bound by law to have a subtitle attached to it. Some of these were relevant or witty (Ratchet And Clank II: Going Commando), whilst most were downright unnecessary (World Rally Championship II: Extreme). The 'Renegade' element of Jak II probably falls into the latter category, though the removal of Daxter from the title would've left it rather short otherwise. As mentioned previously, Jak II couldn't have been more different from the first game in the series. Gone was the silent protagonist, the colourful environments and the platform-orientated quest, replaced by a murky urban landscape, a mission-based structure and a heavy focus on gunfights and vehicles. In a market where people were abandoning traditional games in favour of the likes of Grand Theft Auto (despite its age rating), the drastic change in style worked, offering players a hugely immersive experience that remained engaging from start to finish, and which still today stands out as the highlight of the Jak and Daxter trilogy, which is now available as a HD collection on the Playstation Store.