Ranking Summer 2016's Video Games From Worst To Best
10. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Right, onto the good stuff!
At this stage, if you've played any of the LEGO games, you'll know their pros and cons; fun, light combat mixed with floaty platforming and repetition overall, right?
Well, yes, but they've smoothed over the naff platforming, and for TFA's case, have added some puzzles and cover-shooter mechanics to keep things fresh. Factor in that outside of Disney Infinity, this is the only way to play anything relating to one of 2015's biggest and most enjoyable movies, and there's enough appeal right there to paper over the remaining cracks that come with such a long-in-the-tooth franchise.
Oh, and the entire cast reprise their roles - even Harrison Ford (!) - for additional bonus scenes and dialogue. Boom.