Star Wars Battlefront 2: 9 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

4. Not All Faces Are Created Equal...

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Luke Han

Yes, that's Han Solo on the right.

I know.

That's also Luke on the left, despite him looking like a WWE game's create-a-wrestler version of Mark Hamill, rather than the real deal.

Now, I've heard conspiracies regarding the idea that if DICE rendered the main cast with just a slightly "left of centre" (let's say) appearance, they wouldn't have to shell out the requisite funds to the estates of Hamill, Han Solo etc. However, characters like Leia, Lando and Rey look spot on (Billie Dee Williams and Daisy Ridley even reprise their roles for the latter two), leading me to believe that it's more just a mistake on DICE's part.

Thankfully, the heroes' appearances across the campaign are saved by better writing. There's a great "May the Force be with you" moment for Luke that has greater ramifications for the wider mythos once you connect the dots between Inferno Squad member Del's meeting with Skywalker and the Battle of Jakku, it's just a shame they couldn't nail everyone across the board.

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