WWE 13: 10 Matches We Want To Play

6. The Rock Vs Mankind €“ Royal Rumble €˜99

Everyone knows that Mankind can be as brutal and as barbaric as they come, but what about the Corporate Champion. Would the charismatic Rock be willing to get his hands dirty and do what was necessary to defeat Mankind and win back the WWF Championship? The challenge facing the Rocky was made all the more difficult by the stipulation put in place by Foley; it was to be an €˜I Quit€™ match. Outside of the infamous Hell in the Cell it is hard to think of a more brutal match than this during the entire Attitude Era. As always, Foley was used as a test-dummy as The Rock continued to use every means available to beat Mankind. Few believed that the either would say those all-important words, so it raised a few questions when he finally did. In the end The Rock won thanks to a sound-bite from an earlier interview and he regained the Championship. The match remains one of the best and most brutal of the era. THQ have already confirmed the re-introduction of the popular €˜I Quit€™ match.

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