10 Horror Movie Characters You Trusted (But Shouldn't Have)

6. Rose Armitage - Get Out

Predators Edwin

Rose Armitage (Alison Williams) did a frankly fantastic job of throwing suspicion off herself completely at the start of Get Out, given that the opening sequence shows her challenging a police officer who excessively quizzes her Black boyfriend Chris (Daniel Kaluuya).

The audience is led to believe that Rose will basically be the film's single worthwhile white character and absolutely on Chris' side, but once the proverbial hits the fan and Chris realises he's in genuine danger at the hands of Rose's family, she too drops all pretenses.

Indeed, it isn't only her family who are kidnapping Black men in order to hijack their bodies for their own nefarious purposes - Rose is totally in on it, and has effectively been dating Black men to lure them to the family home and facilitate the kidnappings.

As for why Rose pushed back against the cop? It's because she wanted to avoid leaving a paper trail which could identify Chris' whereabouts.

While the cop appeared to be racially profiling Chris, he may actually have been concerned given the recent disappearances of many Black men in the area.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.