10 Horror Sequels EVERYONE Wants To See

4. Becky 3

Trick 'r Treat
Quiver Distribution

The Becky films may not have lit up the box office, but these deliciously crafted revenge flicks have served as a superb acting showcase for Lulu Wilson, who is an absolute hoot to watch as the title character - a teenage girl who faces off against some very bad people, and puts up far more of a fight than any of them ever expected.

In the first film, Becky took on a gang of neo-Nazis led by an against-type Kevin James, and sequel The Wrath of Becky cast an also against-type Seann William Scott as the head of a Proud Boys-esque white supremacist organisation.

The second film absolutely left the door wide open for a third, which really has to just stick to the winning formula of casting a likeable comic actor to play an unrepentant scumbag who inevitably gets horribly killed by a ferocious young girl.

Yet almost two years have passed since The Wrath of Becky and we've had nothing in the way of substantial updates, perhaps suggesting that these low-budget genre flicks just aren't recouping enough money on streaming to be viable. 

Here's hoping that's not the case and we'll get a surprise announcement soon.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.