10 Horror Sequels EVERYONE Wants To See

3. Upgrade 2

Trick 'r Treat
BH Tilt

Leigh Whannell's Upgrade was basically the Venom movie we never got - a deliriously ultra-violent, superbly made and well-acted body horror romp that even had one hell of a setup for a sequel.

But despite grossing $17 million against a mere $3 million budget, Whannell cast doubt on a sequel due to it not becoming a bigger box office hit, adding that he always conceived Upgrade as a mere one-off.

Yet in late 2018, producer Jason Blum said plans for a sequel were in place, and by 2020, it had pivoted into a TV series focused around a new protagonist.

The series hasn't gained any meaningful traction over the last five years, and fans instead continue to bang the drum for a direct sequel to the movie with star Logan Marshall-Green returning.

But while promoting his new film Wolf Man, Whannell sadly crushed most hope for Upgrade 2, noting that he was happy to leave it where it is and allow it to endure as a single prophetic cult movie.

The logic is sound, but the world that Whannell created inside of a tight 100 minutes absolutely merited further exploration.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.