10 More Horror Movie Shots That Will Send A Chill Down Your Spine

8. The Gut-Wrenching Truth - Redwood

The Stylist
Signature Entertainment

On the surface, Tom Paton's Redwood is a vampire film. Below that surface, there's so much more going on in one of the very best vamp pictures of the past decade.

This 2017 offering centres on Josh and Beth, a couple who embark on hike in a secluded national park. What makes this particularly poignant, is Josh has been diagnosed with leukaemia. While Beth understands the severity of this situation and what may lie ahead for her partner and for her own future, Josh takes a more breezy approach, making light of the situation and promising he'll be absolutely fine.

As darkness creeps in for this woodland setting, it soon becomes apparent that there's something out in the trees. And before you know it, our central duo are battling against hordes of vampiric beasts.

Finally reaching the top of a mountain where they'll be able to seek assistance, these lovebirds are attacked by a vampire in the basement of a ranger station. With Beth stopping this beast from killing Josh, she has to watch as her boyfriend is dragged out into the night by another vamp.

Somehow, Josh manages to return to a distraught, emotionally wrecked Beth... only for us to get the utterly chilling shot of Josh slyly holding a needle.

In a shocking twist, that needle is plunged into Beth's neck to drug her, with it revealed Josh had not only been given six months to live, but he'd learned of a twisted bargain where sacrificing a loved one on this mountain top will cure him. As such, he slits Beth's throat and watches her die.

The kicker here? Josh was right, and he is indeed cured and healthy to live out the rest of his life, while Beth is turned into one of the mindless, blood-lusting vampires who parade across the wilderness.

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The Stylist
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