10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Got The Best Revenge

4. The Children - Trick 'R' Treat

Dead Silence Mary Shaw
Warner Bros. Pictures

Michael Dougherty's horror anthology tells five tales revolving around Warren Valley on Halloween night. 

In one story, Macy and her friends are trick-or-treating when she tells them about the Halloween School Bus Massacre. According to the urban legend, a group of parents became frustrated by their deformed children, urging them to pay a bus driver to take them away. When one of the kids took control of the vehicle, it plunged into the quarry, killing them all.

The film moves on to a seemingly separate tale, involving a curmudgeon called Kreeg. When the spirit of Halloween, Sam, learns of Kreeg's resentment towards the holiday, he invades the grump's home and tortures him. After cutting every part of Kreeg's body with razor blades and broken glass, Sam suddenly leaves, believing the old codger has suffered enough. But Kreeg's suffering is far from finished. 

During the climax, a photo of Kreeg can be seen in the fireplace, proving he was the driver behind the Bus Massacre. After hearing a knock on the door, Kreeg opens it to see the dead children from the bus accident have been reborn as murderous ghouls. Seeking retribution, the spirits attack Kreeg, tearing him limb from limb.

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