10 More Horror Movie Villains With Absolutely No Motive

8. Kandarian Demons/Deadites - Evil Dead Rise

Horror Movie Villains No Motive
Warner Bros.

A reunion between estranged sisters Beth and Ellie (Lily Sullivan and Alyssa Sutherland) is quite literally cut short by the summoning and subsequent rise of Kandarian demons - Deadites, to you and us - possessing the family and thrusting them into a primordial battle for survival.

So goes the setup for the fifth film in Sam Raimi's iconic horror series, Evil Dead Rise. Director Lee Cronin brought the great evil back for another run and may have revitalised the whole franchise in doing so, but one core question remains - what do the Deadites actually want?

Much like the other Evil Dead films, the titular beings don't have a whole lot of motive. After Danny (Morgan Davies) spins a record with the ability to summon the creatures from the other side, everyone is terrorised, terrified and ultimately taken over by the Deadites, with only Beth and Kassie making it out the other side alive. But even when a horrific new monster is formed from the parts of Ellie and her two children, it seems to be merely because the demon spirits felt like it. Chaos and destruction is the order of the day, for no reason other than the sake of chaos and destruction.

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