10 More Horror Movie Villains With Absolutely No Motive

2. Robert The Tyre - Rubber

Horror Movie Villains No Motive
Magnet Releasing

Far be it from me to say what should and shouldn't be afforded sentience, but only Quentin Dupieux could not only conceive of but sustain a film that sees a tyre come to life and go on a murderous telekinetic rampage around the Californian desert.

Delivering on its premise and then some, Rubber pinwheels from absurdity to absurdity as Robert - the tyre - takes out his anger and frustrations on the world by blowing things up with his mind, intercut with metafictional asides that include the town's sheriff talking directly to the audience, and a gaggle of spectators in seats watching the action from afar (they're meant to be us, FYI).

Robert's only discernible want is to hunt down a woman that his powers don't work on, leaving a path of destruction in his wake. But why? Why kill at all? Why any of this? As Lieutenant Chad (Stephen Spinella) points out to us throughout the film, many moments in cinema, just as in life, happen for no reason - and the sentient tyre and his film are a homage to that very concept.

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