10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

7. Sarah Scarangella - Inside (À L'intérieur)

Silent Hill
La Fabrique de Films

During the millennium, a wave of controversial European horrors were unleashed upon the world, better known as The New French Extremity. As haunting as these features are, few of them reached the same level of brutality as 2007's Inside.

The home invasion thriller opens with pregnant Sarah Scarangella getting involved in a car crash, resulting in her husband's death. Several months later, Sarah is in her apartment when a mysterious woman bursts in. While Sarah sleeps, the intruder stabs her in the bellybutton with scissors, hoping to carve out the foetus. Although this is a haunting visual, it's only the beginning of Sarah's suffering.

Throughout the night, The Woman pursues Sarah, slashing at her every chance she gets. By the end of the nightmarish ordeal, Sarah has been reduced to a bloody mess.

Just when it looks like she couldn't endure anything else, The Woman slices Sarah's abdomen open before plunging her hand in. She pulls the newborn from the womb, killing Sarah in the process.

Although a graphic act of this calibre could've been left off-screen, every moment of Sarah's unbearable death is shown, leaving nothing to the imagination. As such, it might be best for some viewers to skip this scene (or the movie altogether) unless they have a sturdy stomach.

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