10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

6. Brent Mitchell - The Loved Ones

Silent Hill
Paramount Pictures

While driving with his father, high-schooler Brent Mitchell swerves to avoid colliding into a bloodied man on the road. Losing control of his car, Brent smashes into a tree, which results in his father's death.

As horrible as this tragedy is, it doesn't compare to what Brent experiences later. When classmate Lola becomes obsessed with him, her dad Eric knocks Brent out and brings him back to their home.

To ensure Brent can't scream for help, his vocal cords are injected with bleach, causing him to let out an inhuman squeal every time he tries to talk. Though Brent manages to escape, his hopes of freedom are dashed when he's caught and dragged back.

To ensure he doesn't run away again, Eric pins Brent's feet to the floor before Lola drills a hole through his forehead, attempting to lobotomise her love interest. After the self-proclaimed prom queen considers snipping Brent's penis off, she carves her initials into his chest. Just to rub salt in his wounds... she literally rubs salt in his wounds.

However, the most heartbreaking moment is when Lola reveals one previous victim ran onto the road to escape her, causing Brent to crash her car. In that moment, Brent realises his psychotic captor is directly responsible for killing his father.

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