10 Most Unfortunate Victims In Horror Movies

5. Wade - House Of Wax

Silent Hill
Warner Bros. PIctures

2005's House of Wax is yet another pointless remake that does little to distinguish itself from the far superior original.

With that said, the modern adaptation has one incredible (but potentially traumatic) moment. After Carly's car breaks down, she and her friends head into a derelict House of Wax. While Carly's boyfriend, Wade, wanders around, he's knocked out by a masked figure called Vincent.

Wade wakes up later, only to find Vincent smearing his body in molten wax, ready to use Wade's likeness to create a realistic mannequin. Although viewers don't get to learn much about Wade, this still looks like a horrible way to die.

Oh, wait... he isn't dead.

Later on, Wade's friend Dalton discovers what appears to be a mannequin of Wade. When Dalton pokes his cheek, Wade's eyes move, proving he's still alive and trapped in the wax.

Dalton tries to free him from his skintight prison by pulling the wax off, only to learn it's been seared into his flesh. Despite Dalton's best efforts, all he manages to do is rip off a chunk of Wade's face

Paralysed by the wax, Wade finds himself unable to move, scream, or speak. All he can do while his skin is peeled off is silently cry.

What makes Wade's fate worse is the fact there's no way to save him. As soon as Dalton found him, he was already doomed.

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