10 Sudden Time Jumps In Horror Movies That Completely Change Everything

5. The Lodge

Contagion Kate Winslet

The Lodge is a soul-rending psychological horror film which begins with a deeply traumatising sequence in which a woman, Laura Hall (Alicia Silverstone), responds to the news that her estranged husband Richard (Richard Armitage) is re-marrying by shooting herself in the head.

But the filmmakers spend just a few minutes on Laura's funeral before suddenly jumping forward six months in time, where Richard informs his evidently still-devastated children (Lia McHugh and Jaeden Martell) that they'll all be spending Christmas with his new partner Grace (Riley Keough).

That huge lost chasm of time leaves plenty for the audience to consider, both with regard to Richard sweeping his wife's death under the rug, and the resentment which his children have built up towards Grace, believing her responsible for their mother's demise.

Without giving too much away, both of these points end up informing the entire rest of the movie, and those lost six months serve as a dramatic pregnant pause of-sorts, filled with sinister meaning even though we're not explicitly told what took place during them.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.