10 Albums Every Hawkwind Fan Should Own

1. Space Ritual Hawkwind Space Ritual We've had the best studio album, this can only be topped by the best live album, Space Ritual the 1973 double live album recording the tour which was funded by the profits from the best selling Silver Machine. This album charts the story of an astronaut on a slow moving starship chronicling his thoughts and the reasons why they left earth. There are many strong track including a definitive version of Sonic Attack and Orgone Accumulator based on a concept introduced in Jack Kerouac's On The Road taken from the work of Wilhelm Reich (who also inspired the Kate Bush track Cloudbusting - bet you never knew you could link Kate to Hawkwind!). The album starts with a radio tuning in to a voice repeating the phrase 'Earth Calling. This is Earth Calling' and continues from there. The stand-out track for me is 7 by 7 but to be honest just play the whole double album loud on a car journey! That's my list - what have I overlooked? Let me know! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6gdoM5cHdA

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Freelance writer and fan of Doctor Who, Hawkwind and Reading FC. I like technology and have been blogging for several years. An eclectic mix, perhaps, but one that means ! am not !easy to pin down into one category! I also blog about Doctor Who at http://redrocketrising.com