10 Albums Every Hawkwind Fan Should Own

2. Warrior on the Edge of Time

Hawkwind Warrior on the Edge of Time And now to the album that frequently tops fan polls as the best Hawkwind studio album of all, Warrior On The Edge of Time. This 1975 album is loosely (unlike the Chronicle of the Black Sword which is completely) based on Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion tales and Moorcock himself appears on the album. The album is being released in 2013 and the up-coming tour mentioned at the start of this article is the Warrior On The Edge Tour and includes a full performance of the album. The album is powerful and strange and kicks off with the classic Assault & Battery / Golden Void which are great live though I personally prefer the track Magnu which is based on a Percy Shelley poem (Hymn of Apollo). The album is inspired by great poetry with the opening track taking lyrics from Longfellow's Psalm of life (a Psalm and a Hymn!). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKOQ0BzEZ6k
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Freelance writer and fan of Doctor Who, Hawkwind and Reading FC. I like technology and have been blogging for several years. An eclectic mix, perhaps, but one that means ! am not !easy to pin down into one category! I also blog about Doctor Who at http://redrocketrising.com