10 Amazing Covers Albums In Rock And Roll Music

4. Renegades - Rage Against the Machine

As Rage Against the Machine entered the new millennium, things were getting out of hand fairly quickly. Even though everyone was on the same page in terms of writing political songs, the creative tension between the members was hitting a tipping point, as Zack de La Rocha started to clash with the rest of the band. If they couldn't put together any originals though, why not just throw together a covers album and figure it out later?

While Renegades would turn into the epitaph for Rage, this is one of the most eclectic covers albums on this list, ranging from classic rock to hip hop to even folksy tunes. It makes sense that they would go for ragers like Kick Out the Jams and even trying their hand at Microphone Fiend, but the best parts of this album is where they get weird, like when they stretch Bob Dylan's Maggie's Farm to 7 minutes or the Rolling Stones' Street Fighting Man.

Even if something like the Ghost of Tom Joad sounds like it shouldn't work with Rage's standard style, each of the characters in these songs work perfectly for their sound. These are people that have been labelled outcasts of society and are soldiering on through life, trying to find some place to call home. In that respect, you're not really getting Rage covering these songs. You're hearing them interpreting these characters in real time.

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Johnny Cash
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