10 Amazing Covers Albums In Rock And Roll Music

5. Rock N Roll - John Lennon

The entire genesis of John Lennon's only covers album is still one of the weirdest decisions in rock and roll. During his time in the Beatles, members of Chuck Berry's legal team had taken issue with Lennon using the lines of You Can't Catch Me in Come Together, and Lennon was going to compensate them by making a covers album with the proceeds going to Berry's estate. While it sounded like a good idea at the time, it would take half a decade and a trip through production hell before we finally got to hear it.

Recorded during his famed lost weekend, John was not in a very good headspace making this album, still reeling from being separated from Yoko and getting loaded way too much in the studio. Since this was also produced by notorious producer Phil Spector, things got even more heated behind the scenes, including one instance when Phil shot a pistol in the air which really hurt John's ears.

You wouldn't know any of that if you just listened to the record though, as John reinterprets his favorite songs as only he could do, whether that be playing a straightforward rendition of Buddy Holly's Peggy Sue or the rip roaring version of Slippin and Slidin with a top tier level sax break. These may have been hard times for John, but it was always a good time whenever he strapped on his guitar.

In this post: 
Johnny Cash
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