10 Amazing Noughties Albums No One Ever Talks About

9. Polly Scattergood - Self Titled

Whilst Polly Scattergood's ethereal debut received mixed reviews, many critics praised her for the honesty of her lyrics and her unique vocal style. However, they all agreed on one thing: that Polly hadn't quite grown into herself musically yet. And if her most recent album Arrows, released earlier this year, is anything to go by, they were right. Her songwriting has matured beyond what anybody was expecting. But just because many of the songs on Polly Scattergood's first offering were written when she was a teenager does not mean that this album should be dismissed simply as juvenilia. It's the sheer rawness that makes it so compelling: the unapologetic emotional exhibitionism, the moments where her voice escalates into an unrestrained wail, the semblance of a real and unique sound despite the obvious room for improvement. It's sincere; and the strong points of the album fair outweigh the weak. Best Tracks: Nitrogen Pink, The Poem Song, Please Don't Touch

Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.