10 Amazing Rock Songs Not Sung By The Lead Singer

1. Marigold - Nirvana

Dave Grohl has gone on the record time and time again saying that he never would have considered submitting his songs to Nirvana. While we now know what Grohl is capable of when he's behind a mic, it's kind of tough trying to convince a genius like Kurt Cobain to take a chance on one of your own original tunes. Kurt did have some wiggle room though, and we got a taste of what the Foo Fighters could be on the song Marigold.

Only appearing on the Heart Shaped Box single, this is a nice acoustic song that gives Dave some time in the spotlight. With his sheepish voice and tired demeanor, you can tell that he felt pretty nervous getting this one off the ground, especially since Heart Shaped Box was the last thing they recorded. This might have been meant as a goofy little aside in the Nirvana catalog, but it would end up coming back to haunt Dave as the years went on.

When Grohl decided to get out of his funk and start a new band with the Foo Fighters, some of the less sensitive members of the crowd were known to shout out requests for this song during their first club gigs, which made Dave more and more uncomfortable as the years went on. In the years since, Dave has warmed up to this little tune though, eventually including a version of it on the live album Skin and Bones almost a decade later. On that version, the sheepish little kid from the original is now a rock star, and he's willing to let his past stand for what it is.

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