10 Amazing Rock Songs Not Sung By The Lead Singer

3. 39 - Queen

Having any Queen song without Freddie Mercury on lead vocals just feels wrong, doesn't it? I mean, you might have a car with some decent mileage, but why aren't you using the Ferrari that you have in the garage? That's if you ignore that one important rule of arranging: just because you have an ace in the hole, you have to know when to use it properly.

Since most of A Night at the Opera lives and dies on Mercury's baby Bohemian Rhapsody, hearing Brian May's voice on 39 feels like the best place for him. After the more whimsical stuff that you saw on the rest of the record, this is just a laid back acoustic ballad sung by May talking about the wonders of travelling off in search of new lands. This is Queen though, and nothing was ever going to be that straightforward.

For most of the song, you hear May talk about this wanderer going onto a spaceship and going at speeds equivalent to lightspeed, eventually returning to Earth after what he thinks is a year. This is a different Earth than he knew though, since the time differential he was moving at managed to age him only a year while 100 years had passed on Earth, leaving none of his loved ones alive anymore. This might be a bit of a fun romp in between the adventurous pieces of the record, but if May weren't so humble about his work, he would definitely deserve to have some royalty checks for writing a plotline in Interstellar before it even came out.

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