10 Amazing Stories Behind Famous Rock Album Music Covers

7. Arizona Via Barnet (Ace Of Spades - Motörhead)

Lemmy always fancied himself a bit of a cowboy, as the front cover of Motörhead's seminal 1980 album Ace of Spades proves.

Alongside "Fast" Eddie Clarke and Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor, Lemmy is front and centre on this album's artwork, dressed head-to-toe in his finest Wild West garb, stood atop a pile of sand in some godforsaken desert.

At least, that's what they wanted you to think.

In reality, Motörhead did not visit the likes of Arizona or Nevada to snap this image. Instead, it was taken at a sandpit in... Barnet, a suburban market town about ten miles north of the centre of London.

Famous people born in Barnet include West End actor Elaine Page and Nadine Coyle from Girls Aloud. Doesn't exact scream "pistols at dawn", does it?

Furthermore, the clear blue sky behind the band isn't real either! The day of the photoshoot was really cloudy, because they'd decided to shoot in England, so the final picture was altered in post to give the appearance of a sunny day.

There are so many lies here, it's hard to keep on top of them! Next thing will be that his name isn't actually Lemmy!

Wait a second...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.