10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Gerard Way

2. He Prefers Writing From The Perspective Of Women

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Way once detailed how he much prefers writing female characters:

"Ever since doing The Umbrella Academy, the characters I've connected the most with were the women. That's been kind of pattern through my whole life, actually. Like I strongly connected with my grandmother when I was a boy and I never really connected with other boys my age. I was never into sports. I was only into stuff like comics and action figures and I never really identified that much with the masculine type of male; I identified more with the women in my life. So I found myself wanting to write a young woman again. It's just what interested me the most."
Though Way has often been vocal about his respect and admiration for young women and the difficulties they face in a largely male-dominated society, it's great to see those opinions surface through his art, and for Gerard to openly discuss his complex experiences with gender. In the past, Way has talked about how many of his musical inspirations were those figures considered to be less masculine than the rest, such as David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and Iggy Pop, and how this femininity often manifests itself during live performances and through his on-stage aesthetic.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.