10 Annoyingly Catchy Pop Songs You Probably Love To Hate

9. The Ting Tings - "That's Not My Name"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1c2OfAzDTI "They call me Bell, they call me Sta-cy, they call me her, they call me Jane." Yeah? Well they call me "irritated as hell by your unstoppable ear worm dance track." Every element of this song was designed to make you hate yourself for clicking play on a song that appeared on iCarly: the "Hey Mickey" inspired beat, the repetitive lyrics, the slightly off-pitch vocals...the fact that it appeared on iCarly. And still, I can't help but feel just a little happier after the song gets into a full rhythm. In spite of myself, I get sucked into the dance club vibe and I can actually feel my legs strain to keep my heart from dancing like it wants to. It's those hand claps. And that bass drum. And when the song is over, I feel very, very bad about myself.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.